Saturday, December 4, 2010

:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:

::Yes, I know that title is nice and then annoying to look at. Focus on the pretty::

Hey guys--
Sorry for not updating for a while, I was pretty busy with the END OF SCHOOL!! 
That's right, school is over! For me, anyway; my lil brother has another two weeks to go, haaah~
Well, we had exams two weeks ago, English and science. Let me tell you, I totally over studied for the science, which I got 86% for (A), whereas I didn't even look at my English notes convinced I'd be ok; I totally ace it, 100% (A+). WTF?
I was pretty pissed, only an A for all those days (and nights) wasted studying?
Whatever, the English result made up for it, to a certain extent, anyway.
Relieving stress after Exams- Thank You, Wacom Tablet <3

And, I had my karate grading to get my red belt-  passed! But I was kind of annoyed, I got 1 question wrong on the written test. I know, I know, I should be grateful that I did pretty well, but wouldn't you be a LITTLE annoyed? ARGHH just ONE frickin' question ==" well, I'm glad I passed, but the stamina was hard as! I couldn't do half of it, and I was on the ground for most of it.
Ugh, well at least my body's recovered (mostly).

I have holiday homework as well, which I'm looking forward to tackling. Seriously, I am! It's for VCE fashion design next year kyaa-- can't wait (:
I have write something about fashion illustration (definition, uses, etc.) and THEN I have annotate at least 6 different illustrations which have to be created with different mediums. The best part, though, is that I get to choose my 2 favourite illustrations and recreate them! Using the same medium that the artist did, of course. I've chosen to do these two;;
Katie Lightfoot- 'Rosie'
Rik Lee- 'Betty'

Also, my great aunty and my uncle came from America to visit us (well, my grandpa).
They got us a mud mask thinggy. It's heavy.

When we went to the airport to welcome them, I saw 2 teams of basketballers from China. Well, I'm only assuming they were basketballers, but they were hella tall. Like, really, really tall. And cute, and checking me out. That tends to happen with Asians and me (also Asian). Lucky me ;)

Some of my cousins are in Japan >>"
I want to be there (T ^ T)

Ok. Monkey time.
ϵ( 'Θ' )϶
Btw, I don't sit around trying to make these emoticon things up. It's on my iPod (in the Japanese keyboard).

I know, my blog writing style is really jumpy, but it's just what I'm thinking at the moment, so at least it's honest. 

Summer has just hit Australia! 

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